One of the nicest things about being a parent is that regardless of the circumstances of your own childhood, the moment you go from being ‘a girl or guy’ to being a parent, you suddenly ‘get it.’ That amazing feeling of exactly what it’s like to love something more than anything.
Here are top ten tips on how to be a good parent…
1. Be involved in your child's life.
2. Establish and set rules.
3. Avoid harsh discipline.
4. Explain your rules and decisions.
5. Treat your child with respect.
6. Help them feel safe.
7. Do Something Familiar.
8. Read together.
9. Find out one important thing about your child’s day.
10. Don’t worry about the previous nine items.
Just when you think you’re doing ok as a parent, then along comes an article like this one to make you feel like you are not doing the job right!? Of course, that’s not the point. All the goals we’ve listed are worth aiming for, but no one will ever accomplish all of them, every day. So don’t beat yourself up trying to do the impossible. If expectations seem to high, be realistic about it and try not to judge yourself against other parents… remember they are probably feeling like you do as well.
A good way to look at how to become a good parent, is to try and enjoy the time you have with your little ones. Take a step back, take a breath, look at these little people you have created and spend time with them. It’s these moments with your children that make them feel loved. Leave the washing for another few minutes, have that chat with a friend on the phone a bit later and take those extra moments to spend with your children.
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