Get up a half hour to an hour before you need to. This may sound ridiculous since the whole problem is that you don't want to wake up early but it's going to give you the time that you need to ease yourself into the day. Use this time to snooze the alarm once or twice and then get up and get going slowly.
Do breathing exercises in bed. Many people find that a good way to get the blood flowing in the morning is to do some basic breathing exercises in the bed.
Start stretching and get moving. In order to wake up, your body needs to get going. When you get out of bed, you should do some basic stretching. Try going out for a walk or doing some exercise indoors.
Cool off. Your body wakes up easier if it's cool. Open some windows in the morning or turn a fan on. If you stay in a heated house with the blankets on, you're not going to want to wake up.
Coffee. Some will say it's bad for you but it's a stimulant that will get you going in the morning and it's one that works for a lot of people. If you want to avoid coffee, try black tea or at least a big cold glass of water.
Develop a routine. You should get up at about the same time every day no matter what your schedule is. You should also develop a morning routine that you always follow. You'll get used to just getting up and doing this and you'll be able to wake up and get going more easily.
Make your bed. This should be a part of your daily routine. It gives a start to the day, makes you feel ready and makes it a lot harder to get back in there and sleep.
Give yourself a reason to get up. Many people find that it helps to create a To Do list for the morning, something that you need to get up and be ready to do. Of course, it has to be something that you're not dreading so you won't want to avoid it. Plan to call a best friend (or better yet, meet her for breakfast) or plan to work on a fun project in the morning.
Make sure you had enough sleep. Sure, there will be times when you have to wake up early after a long night but don't make it a habit. Make sure you go to bed early when you have to get up early so that you've gotten enough sleep and you can wake up.
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